Saturday, February 19, 2011

Candida Natural Remedy-5 Natural Remedies You Must Know!

Candida Albicans

Candida Albicans is a yeast that lives harmlessly in your body. Candida is controlled by good bacteria and your immune system. If for some reason your immune system is weak, or you are taking antibiotics, Candida can grow and cause symptoms.

Natural therapies are the most potent and effective weapons against this disease and recovery time lasts about 6 to 12 months (or longer depending on the length of time one has had the condition and the severity of symptoms). This might seem long, but once candida has colonized the body, it takes quite an effort to drive it out. Let's now take a look at the natural therapies most effective against this adaptable and extremely tenacious invader.

If you wish to start curing this disease IMMEDIATELY then find the Candida Natural Remedy! or keep reading to find the natural remedies that are available.

Lactobacillus Acidophilus

Lactobacillus Acidophilus is a bacterium that is attracted to acid. It is often seen as friendly bacteria because of its helpful characteristics and the importance it has in the function of the body. Acidophilus is found naturally in the intestines and in the vagina, where it protects the body from unhealthy organisms. Acidophilus also has been shown to assist in producing folic acid, niacin, and pyridoxine during digestion.

Research has shown that acidophilus can prevent or stop the growth of Candida. Candidacies normally reside in the intestines, mouth, and genital area. It lives best in warm, moist environments. Hence, this fungus is responsible for an overgrowth of yeast, in the esophagus, mouth, and vagina. If left unattended, it can form into visible, white patches.

Acidophilus is found in yogurt and it can also be found in special acidophilus milk. Foods such as carrots, rice starch, bananas, soybeans, garlic and garbanzo beans are also rich in acidophilus. Acidophilus can also be purchased in capsules, powder form, liquids, and tablets at health stores. Some of these acidophilus products found at health stores also contain bifid bacteria, which is another bacterium that is helpful to the body.

Some studies have shown that yogurt containing acidophilus aides in treating vaginal candidacies, or Candida infections. In fact, one study showed that women with recurring yeast infections who eat 8 ounces of yogurt containing acidophilus every day have a great reduction in the occurrence of the infection. Patients have also reported that acidophilus not only helps with Candida, it also helps with diarrhea, urinary tract infections and indigestion.


Lots of Candida people are taking tons of Olive Leaf Extract and Caprylic Acid to fight off the candida. This stuff actually does work, however, when it comes to digestion, HOW you take it is just as important as what you take.

The best delivery system for anti-fungals is fiber and oils. The combo creates a glutinous, gel-like consistency that really presses against the walls of the intestines, delivering the anti-fungals where they need to go.

First off, find a bottle of liquid caprylic acid and add about a teaspoon to a couple tablespoons of good EV olive oil.
Add this new oil (Caproil) to your fiber shake. You can add it to any kind of fiber shake you make - psyllium, ground flax seeds, whole flax seeds, even a commercial intestinal cleanser. Mix it well. This will make psyllium much better for candida people too. Use about one teaspoon of fiber and take 1-3 times a day.

Go ahead and add Oil of Orgeno, Olive Leaf, or any other anti-fungals you wish to add. Grapefruit seed extract is great.

About every four days, instead of adding the Caproil, make the fiber shake with Kefir and open up a capsule of live acidophilus and add that too. That will deliver the friendly microbes where they need to go. They will continue the balancing of the intestines and further reduce yeast. If you have Primal Defense, take it on these days too, but apart from the fiber as all of GofL's products have their own patented delivery system.

Enteric-Coated Essential Oils

The latest in candida treatment are enteric coated essential oils. Oregano, peppermint, and rosemary oils are all extremely powerful against candida and some supplement companies already have formulas using these oils on the market. Oregano oil is estimated at being 100 times more powerful than caprylic acid. Be prepared for some explosive diarrhea when using this product. As the yeast cells die, the body makes every effort to expel them.

It is usually recommended for at least several months. A standard dosage is two capsules two times a day with water, in between meals. Pure volatile oils can be quite toxic in this amount so the liquid form of these oils should never be ingested, and the capsules should not be broken open before ingesting.


Diet is an important part of the Candida cleanse. The length of time on the Candida cleanse depends on the length of time one has had symptoms, symptom severity, and overall health. People may notice improvement after strict adherence to the diet for two to four weeks. For others it takes months. Once symptoms are gone and lab tests show significant improvement, foods from the restricted list can be slowly incorporated back into the diet.

Foods You Should Ignore Entirely

Foods You Should Limit

Limit daily carbohydrate intake - Sugar feeds Candida, so it is important to minimize the total carbohydrate content of one's diet. During the first 2 to 3 weeks of the program, it is often recommended that carbohydrate intake be restricted to 20 to 60 grams per day, depending on age, health, activity level, and extent of grain sensitivities. As symptoms disappear, the carbohydrate total can gradually increase. Foods that are low carb include protein foods such as meat, chicken, turkey, shellfish, some nuts, and non-starchy vegetables.

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Candida Natural Remedy-The Most Potent and Effective Method!